Glenview AYSO Region 362
Glenview AYSO is sports recreation program serving boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 17 who live in Glenview, Northbrook, Golf and Des Plaines. Formed in 1982, we have more than 1000 registered players this year and over 400 volunteers who make the league possible. All kids can participate, regardless of physical or financial constraints. AYSO is based on six guiding philosophies: Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Everyone Plays, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship and Player Development. See our
Six Philosophies page for more details.
AYSO is the
American Youth Sports Organization, the largest single-entity youth soccer association in the United States with 500,000 players and 200,000 volunteers. Nationwide, AYSO is divided into sections, the sections into areas, and the areas into regions. Along with others in northern Chicagoland, Glenview Region 362 is a part of Section D, within Area 6 that contains the US Midwest.
AYSO is an all-volunteer organization. We have no paid staff at the local level and depend on parents of players to run and support the program. The only factor that limits the number of teams and/or players are the number of adult volunteers. Parents and other family members are strongly encouraged to volunteer their time in some way. We have something for everyone regardless of your schedule. See our
Volunteer Overview page for more details.
Our Programs
| Playground "Kick start" your player's future with the Playground program for 3 to 5 year old boys and girls which uses group activities, soccer themes, and parent participation to develop the motor skills needed for soccer and all sports. Click for more about the Playground program...
U5 The objective of the U5 program is to provide young players and their parents with a "pressure free" introduction to the beautiful and simple game of soccer. Click for more about the U5 program...
U6 - U12 The core of our program -- for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade. Click for more about the U6 - U12 program... |
U14 (InterRegional) For kids in 7th and 8th grade. Glenview's teams play against each other and other teams in the northern Chicago metro area. Click for more about the U14 IR program...
EXTRA The EXTRA program offers organized soccer for players who want to play at a more competitive level. Club soccer teams are in place in many parts of the country, but for those who want to play harder and still be a part of AYSO, EXTRA is perfect. Click for more about the EXTRA program... |
Please refer to our
Contacts Page if you have questions or special requests.
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